Our English Guitar Lessons are now available in Cancún! They are excellent for you, and we invite you to try them out. Beginners are welcome!

Welcome Beginners
Clases de Guitarra en Cancún, presenciales, a domicilio y también Online.
100% for beginners starting from scratch ✅
For all ages ✅
In the city of Cancún or online ✅
Excellent price ✅
Guitar Lessons for Beginners Starting from Scratch
If you have ever wondered how difficult it is to play the guitar, you will be surprised to know that it is really easy: we provide a great environment and study facilities. That is why, when you make sure your guitar is not a source of stress or worry, you have already made significant progress. Remember that the guitar should fill you with enthusiasm every time you play it, and we want to facilitate this. This approach is the most effective when learning to play this wonderful instrument because it helps you enjoy the learning process.
During the classes, we will also focus on learning Solfège, which is mainly the reading and understanding of musical notes. This way, you will have a more complete and efficient progress.
In our guitar course, we are sure that you will feel very good!

Where the Classes Are Held
They are mainly held at our location in Gran Santa Fé III, in Cancún, Quintana Roo. But occasionally, we will have them in Cenotes, Parks, and Beaches.
Duration of the Classes
- Basic: Includes one 30-minute class, completely individual and personalized.
- Complete: Includes a one-hour class plus a one-hour group class per week.
Both schemes are excellent for learning. The difference is that more time allows for better topic coverage.
Ages for Guitar Classes
The ages we handle are as follows:
- Adults of any age
- Children from four to seven years old: We focus more on singing songs with a guitar focus so they become happily familiar. The class duration is thirty minutes. For these classes, we use games, toys, and smaller guitars.
- Children from seven to ten years old: The class focus is more practical and the content more advanced. The class time is thirty minutes.
- Children from eleven to fifteen years old.
Class Topics
Some topics we will cover include:
- How to tune a guitar, how to choose a guitar, and how to press the frets correctly. We will also look at easy guitar songs and chord accompaniments.
Welcome to Guitar Classes!